Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: How it is applied to the Commercial Bank sector in a modern context?
In our daily lives in the ever-challenging balance between our professional lives vs. personal life our needs and wants are been more completed and compulsory on the way to our journey. In this blog, we will take a look at Maslow’s hierarchy (or pyramid) of needs more in-depth to answer these questions. Discover everything that needs to know about motivation through this theory by further relating to an organization in reality. Figure 1: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need(Maslow’s Pyramid) Source :( Maslow, 1954, cited in Jerome 2013) Maslow’s concepts were originally offered as general explanations of human behavior but quickly became a significant contribution to workplace motivation theory, and are still used by managers today to understand, predict and influence employee motivation (Charted Management Institute, 2012) Maslow suggests that there are five major need categories that apply to human beings, as follows: 1. Physiologica...